People in developing countries face real-world challenges but lack access to countries and technological tools to improve their situation. The Crypto community has pioneered the disruption of a blockchain solution but does not have a user base excited enough for the immediate cause of their real-world effective innovation. In this paper, we introduce the Access Network (ACX Network) as a tool to align the needs of this community so that they can solve their respective cases.

The ACX network is an independent token economy that empowers participants to define financial access for themselves. Participants are given an incentive to create another long-term value of one another while demo- cratically controlling the Distribution Pool Distribution Network.This interaction is activated alongside the modularly modular contractual order that alters itself and distributes funds to the entire ecosystem in tune with network intentions. The ecosystem consists of five core layers:

1. ACX utility token 
2. Governance Protocol 
3. Incentive Pool 
4. Decision Module 
5. Off-chain services

The ACX Network intrinsic token (ACX) is used for the following purposes:
• Voting on on-chain protocols 
• Participate in complementary facilities supported by contributors

6 Billion ACX will be accessed from time to time to represent 6 Billion financially-served and allo-headed to assert equal distribution and incentives that are aligned to participants in event tokens generation, underserved network contributors, and the future era. The ACX network was built by a team behind Atlas Money, a reputable P2P banking platform that successfully pioneered the digitization of door-to-door finance facilities in Ghana and Senegal. Atlas will Integrate with ACX Network as the first exchange in West Africa, using more than 300 agents and 17,000 users to become ACX Network exchange and token holders, respectively. In addition to bootstrapping Fiat-to-crypto Liquidity in developing countries,

Crypto Community Needs Access to Unfulfilled

Since Bitcoin was seen following the financial crisis. 2008, crypto fans and blockchain fans are already optimistic about the potential of blockchain technology to usher in an era of economic efficiency and inclusivity. However, as the technologist pioneer focused on distributed cryptosystem design to empower people, 2 billion uneducated adults, affecting a total of nearly 6 billion people awaiting on the sidelines. For the involvement of these people it is hindered by the following:

• Financially, the lack of local exchange prevents individuals from 'buying' to the crypto network 
• Technologically, the lack of smartphones and internet access prevents individuals from practically using crypto-network development and 'working in' to the crypto economy.

For regions developed in the world where bank accounts and smartphones are available everywhere, the problem is reversed. Financial and technological barriers are low, but people are less willing to test the paradigm of foreign paradigm due to the well-available centralized system. Most engagements with revolutionary technological groups are just taking place at the surface level, with exchange being used as trading platforms to track profits.

Access Less Registered Needs to Decentralized Technology

The average adult in the developing world lives together at a price of $ 80 to $ 120 per month [1], which should bear the full cost of 1 life for their entire family. Most people do not have official jobs but rather need a businessman By default they are farmers, traders, craftsmen or street vendors. There is little or no public infrastructure available, in order to market, a similar moment with basic goods and services provided to those emerging economies, some large informally.Although it does not have access to the global economy, developing economies continue to grow to more than 4% per th rate. especially due to the high commercial activity in this local market [2]. In Ghana for example, a population of nearly 30 million, with GDP or approximately $ 40B, is growing at only 3.5% per year.

Despite this growth, usually people in developing countries do not have access to basic financial facilities. High costs are about shared brick and mortar models from an official banking institution because the establishment of branches in Indonesia rural areas is not feasible (Ghana owns 37 banks but 60% is always fully unbanked). Smaller financial institutions like microfinance institutions, when they are lighter accessed, are often unreliable and have been known to mistakenly adjust funds, collapse, and lose life savings, time and time again. As a result, people often use their own communal networks to deal with informal financial needs. In many emerging markets people bring their duwit together in a circle of rotating savings.

What is Access .?
The Access Network empowers the underserved to master their own next financial era alongside directing incentives to the growth they want to use. The Access Network is a self-motivating token economy and gives participants the incentive to select financial access for themselves.

Access uses a unique and democratic governance protocol to overly permissible upgradability from time to time.

Atlas Money, the P2P banking platform in West Africa, will distribute access to users available and who will drop across Africa and other underserved markets.

Contributors are rewarded for developing projects selected by the community.

Access  for all
With the principle of democratizing access to finance and technology, Access is able to create real-world solutions through the creator community in both developing and developed countries.

Access Ecosystem 
Access has a goal of maintaining a dynamic ecosystem while continuing to improve the form of independent financial access. arranged and invested internally.

The core component of the Access Ecosystem is the commendable and always Incen- sive Governance Protocol. After reaching consensus on predetermined intervals, network participants are able to use the Protocol's Governance to modify and replace intelligent contracts that select their coordination procedures. This is too likely for the creation of complex, arbitrary module provisions that adjust the decision-making system on a regular basis. The Governance Protocol is also capable of running its own amendment, meaning consensus network participants are able to modify the rules to reach consensus in the next era. Incentive Pool connected token utility network, ACX, at a predetermined level, can not be changed.Although the Governance Protocol and its derivative modules are not able to change the Incentive Pool itself (ie unlocking rate), they are able to adjust their distribution of connected funds. In this paper, we propose the first iteration of a module called the Polling Module, a multi-round tone voting system that gives rewards to individuals who contribute to the ACX Network are commensurate with the popularity of their contributions. After the initial Incentive Pool is too opened, an inflation Mechanism is able to fill in inventory alongside rates of up to 1% per year, on the consideration of network participants. multi-round tone voting system that rewards individuals who contribute to the ACX Network commensurate with the popularity of their contribution. After the initial Incentive Pool is too opened, an inflation Mechanism is able to fill in inventory alongside rates of up to 1% per year, on the consideration of network participants.multi-round tone voting system that rewards individuals who contribute to the ACX Network commensurate with the popularity of their contribution. After the initial Incentive Pool is too opened, an inflation Mechanism is able to fill in inventory alongside rates of up to 1% per year, on the consideration of network participants.

ACX: The  Access  Token
ACX is an ERC-20 token that will be used to participate in on-chain decision-making systems as well as auxiliary facilities provided in a variety of off-chain contexts. The entire Ecosystem Access is dependent on the ACX circulation, analogous to the key that gives the holder the ability to participate in the network. ACX will have some core benefits that proliferate alongside diversification and ecosystem expansion.

• The Governance Protocol grants ACX holders the ability to modify the ACX chain components. The joint network establishes and ratifies new provisioning modules and governance amendments 
• The Incentive Pool connects token ACX to reward participants who contribute to the ecosystem 
• Once the Polling Module is used, the ACX token will be used to participate in the del- egating, voting, and polling system that will allocate and disburse Pool Pool Incort contributors.
• Finally, ACX will be used as a place of exchange and account units in applications, markets, and communities built on more networks

There is an initial supply of 6 billion ACX, 1.62 billion of which are locked into the ACX Incentive Pond. After token generation event, Incentive Pool will begin connecting this token to a declining rate for bootstrap development of off-chain facilities. Unlocking rate will go down every year until the whole pool is available ten years. then. From this point, the Incentive Pool will provide additional new tokens with specific prices at 0% and 1% of ACX's total supply based on token holder tones (see Incentive Pool).

The  Access Underserved Exchange

Dynamics and Possibilities

Access Underterved Exchange (AUE) is part of a printed ACX that is locked and released when based on distribution needs. As the main leg of our three-legged stool, AUE is the first and in particular dedicated to the fair composition of the developing world participants in the Network.Can only be accessed by AUE partner exchange, for single distribution objects are financially under-served, so they can choose.
The secondary use of AUE is reducing the risk of early volatility to the developing world users, for too safe storage may be of value to them, where they begin to comfortably provide additional tones and provide additional direct incentives. ACX from AUE is capable of being used for ACX backlash along with premium prices in line with short-term volatility spikes, and capable of being sequestered to nothing more than the AUE throttle from moment to moment and always consistent in the near future.

ACX allocation

ACX supply distribution
6,000,000,000 ACX, to represent 6 billion people without adequate financial access, will be created, and distributed from time to time to various participants. Achieving the most extensive distribution is too important for the fulfillment of Network objects as Access considers a fair communal composition too important to be successful.

ACX Distribution
• 27% Generation Token Events: 1.620.000.000 ACX will be available along with consideration of initial participant contribution to stimulate ACX initial circulation. 
• 27% Access Underterved Exchange: 1,620,000,000 ACX will always be locked and included in the circulation as needed. The ACX is locked to assert ACX circulation distribution in developing world participants both in West Africa and abroad. The exchange partner will be able to contact the Network to connect ACX from this backup. Atlas Money will give ACX additional to users in West Africa ahead of further integration with a wider exchange network dedicated to serving the underserved. The airdrop incentive model is also capable of developing individual rewards that lead to the distribution of tokens to newly underserved participants. Upon reserve depletion, the exchange will still act as ACX's liquidity provider. 
• 27% Incentive Pool: To confirm the suitability of the requirements in ACX Networks, 1.620.000.000 ACX will be contrived and locked into incentive pools released towards the Network through its decision-making module. For 5 th. first, the pool will connect prizes in a mixture of ETH and ACX and will be fully funded by ACX for subsequent years. Swimming pool will be distributed until reaching zero ten th. then. From this point, the inflation rate will be set back at 0% and 1% every th. based on the token holder's tone. 
• 12% Founder: Built by the team behind Atlas Money, Access teams will have access to 720,000,000ACX from time to time, for their entire research and development business and the years spent creating a successful operation model to connect people West Africa to ACX Network. Some will be set aside to provide incentives to the team of the next era. In conjunction with a larger ACX Network, the Access team will continue to assist ACX's mission and will be unhesitantly dedicated to product development and features necessary to improve network relationships with ACX Networks. The founder token will be locked in an intelligent contract and will be completed every three months over 48 months, along with a 25% vesting soon for too much participation in the voting. 
- Some of the Founder tokens will be set aside for delegation to the advisory board called ThePenjaga. Guardians should establish a mixture of all stakeholders, to reflect the diversity of the ACX Network community, whose primary object is to use a dedicated tone quantity of ability to confirm that Founder Principles are adhered to when the ACX Network is due. The Wali will initially be selected by Access Founders and then selected annually by ACX Network. 
• 4% Advisors: 240,000,000 ACX will be awarded to current and future advisors and partners who join the ACX Network vision. Any Advisory Token will be locked in a smart contract and will be a quarterly vest for more than 48 months, along with 25% vesting immediately after the issuance to be too likely to participate in the voting system. 
• 3% Community Gift: 180,000,000 ACX will be rewarded through the Community Rewards pro-gram to help build the community. It will also include our next-generation Bounty Rewards program.


more information about  Access  please visit:

author: BOID


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